The Lord is My Shepherd


Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shepherd‍

Psalm 23 is one of the most widely known Bible passages and rightly so. It’s a beautiful declaration of trust in God when we feel alone, afraid, and abandoned. We often reference this Psalm to give comfort to someone who is going through a difficult time or suffering from an illness or disease. But have you ever read it carefully? The Psalm is not talking about a generic shepherd but about the Lord himself as our Shepherd. Let’s take a deeper look at this wonderful passage of scripture.

Why is Psalm 23 so special?
This Psalm is one of the most famous and loved Psalms in the Bible. So much so that it is one of the most frequently quoted passages of scripture. It is often memorized by children and adults. It has been used and referenced by many writers and poets over the centuries. It is a Psalm that is very easy to understand, but at the same time, it is a passage of scripture that is full of profound meaning. This Psalm is special because it shows God’s great love for us. It shows his provision and care for us. It shows us that no matter where we are in life, God is with us and will lead us. He wants us to rely on him and not our own strength. He wants us to trust in him and be at peace when life is not peaceful. And this Psalm shows us how to do that. This Psalm is also special because it shows us how to lead others to God. How to guide those who are seeking his protection and his love. This Psalm can be a wonderful guide for us in bringing others to God’s love and care.

The Good Shepherd - Who is he?
The One who is leading the sheep in this Psalm is the Lord. The word translated as “The Good Shepherd” is ‘Tzur’ which is a Hebrew word that means Rock or the Rock. It is a word that is used to describe God in the Old Testament. “The Rock” is a fitting name for God. It shows us that God is steady, unchanging, and solid. It also reminds us that God is our refuge and strength during times of trouble and distress. The Good Shepherd - “the Lord” is watching over his sheep. He is leading his sheep. He is caring for his sheep. He is feeding his sheep when they are thirsty and guides them when they are lost. He is protecting his sheep from danger and from wandering too far from his care. He is seeking to bring his sheep back to the fold when they stray. He is caring for his sheep when they are weak or sick. He is bringing his sheep safely to their desired destination.

Looking after the Sheep - What does a Good Shepherd do?
The Good Shepherd is looking after his sheep. He is caring for them and guiding them. He is bringing them safely to their desired destination. He is protecting his sheep from danger and harm. He is seeking to bring back those sheep that have wandered away from his care. A Good Shepherd is someone who is willing to give up their own comfort, their ease and their safety in order to help others who are in need. A Good Shepherd is someone who is willing to give up their time in order to care for others around them. A Good Shepherd is someone who is willing to take a loss in order to provide for others. A Good Shepherd is someone who is willing to go to the marketplace to buy medicine for a sick sheep. A Good Shepherd is someone who is willing to give their own food to a hungry sheep. A Good Shepherd is someone who is willing to carry a sheep who is too weak to go any further. A Good Shepherd is someone who is willing to take a sheep in who is too old or too sick to care for themselves.

Why do we feel afraid?
There are two reasons why we might feel afraid. The first is that we see that danger is present and we are fearful of what might happen to us. The second reason is that we feel lost, alone, and far from God’s care. When we are in a place of fear, it is easy to misunderstand God’s provision and protection. When we feel afraid, when we feel that we are in danger and there is no one to protect us, we begin to doubt God’s love and care for us. We may think that God has forgotten us or that he is not aware of our needs. But when we feel this way, we are forgetting that God is our shepherd. God is always aware of our needs and he is always looking out for us. God is always protecting us from danger.

How to find comfort in this passage?
When we are in a place of fear, we need to remember that God is our shepherd. We need to remember that God is always mindful of us and he is always protecting us. We need to remember that God is always seeking to bring us back to his fold. We need to remember that God is always caring and providing for us. We need to remember that God is always with us, even when we feel alone and afraid. We need to remember that God is always ready to guide us and lead us to our desired destination. We need to remember that God is always ready to protect us from danger and harm.

This Psalm is talking about the Lord as the Good Shepherd. He is the one who is caring for us and protecting us. He is the one who is looking after us and seeking to bring us back to his fold. When we are in a place of fear, we need to remember that God is our shepherd. We need to remember that he is always mindful of us and ready to protect us. We need to remember that he is always seeking to bring us back to his fold. We need to remember that he is always caring for us and ready to provide for us. We need to remember that he is always with us, even when we feel alone and afraid. We need to remember that he is always ready to guide us and lead us to our desired destination. We need to remember that he is always ready to protect us from danger and harm.